We've felt energised by the warmer temperatures and the first signs of Spring so we've been out of the house more than in it I think. Just amazing. At last!
We've been to a park almost everyday and visited Wrest Park yesterday, (all with the Slackline). We even went swimming today. All 5 of us! It was so fun and it went so well. Proud moments.
One trip however, does stand out because it involved a life changing discussion for us all.
My youngest son and I went to 'town' (rare event) to visit the library and collect my new glasses. The other 3 children stayed at home with their nan so it was a treat to be out, just us two for a change.
We ran our errands and then decided to go to CEX and look at the games because H had some birthday money to spend (from his Dad!). He spent £6.50 on two games and decided to give his change to the homeless man that had asked us for some just before we had entered the shop.
As he walked up to the man to give him his money, a lady walked past and shouted, "Get a f*C^ing job.". I felt so sad and angry and disappointed all at once. My stomach took a nosedive and I felt sick.
After several seconds, I realised that I was truly outraged. That someone could show such little compassion almost floored me. H didn't hear what she had said, but I was upset, and I repeated it to him. He was easily as angry as I was.
This event has led to several discussions over the following days about how this could have happened. When did it happen? Has it always been this way?
We have now discussed it at length, and we are all in agreement that the next time we should witness something like this, we should say something.
It is time to stand up and be heard.
The misfits. The hippies. The carers. The children. All of you (us).
It is incumbent upon us to act now. It is time.
We're not advocating anything other than being compassionate and empathetic during your daily lives. We should all be sharing our goodness and shining our own individual light on dark places and dark people and dark acts. Things have to change.
I have always wanted to be kind but I guess it is presented as something meek and gentle (not very me!), so is consequently seen as a weak characteristic.
I think it is time that 'being kind' was seen as also being a courageous and (sometimes) loud characteristic!
Why not? Why can't we be kind, loudly? Share your good deeds! Spread your fortune and count your blessings! Speak out against injustice. Don't just sign petitions! Use your voice.
Let's face it, we are the peacemakers! I know that it is so difficult to invite conflict into our lives. It is uncomfortable and stressful for us to 'draw attention' to ourselves. I truly understand. But it is time now.
Has society become so lost that it cannot even recognise kindness anymore? What if it has?
The following quote keeps me searching, learning, speaking out and acting.
For me, this is what unschooling is all about. The impromptu lessons and experiences that are immeasurable in their impact.
What happened during these conversations is life long learning.
This week my children and I realised that being kind and empathetic are the lock and key to true happiness.
Sending out lots of love tonight,
N x
PS - A friend shared this with me once and it seems pertinent.